Advertiser Disclosure

ReviewHosting is funded by advertiser commission

We earn commission from some (not all) of the services/products we link to on this website.

When you click on an link that is part of a brand’s affiliate program and purchase a product we can earn a flat-fee or percentage of that transaction.

Why do we use affiliate programs?

We hate ads, but we also need to operate as a business and earn money! Affiliate program provide the perfect opportunity to former but also earn the latter.

Does this impact your reviews?

 100% not.  Our user reviews are all 100% genuine and HostScore takes the industry average which we obviously can’t game.

Why are we disclosing this?

Firstly, we believe in being transparent. Secondly, we don’t want to be lumped in the same bucket as other affiliate driven sites that put the top paying advertisers top of their charts.

Will it cost you more money?

No, it does not. The fees the brand’s advertise do not change because you clicked on an affiliate link.